Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Jewell Wrapping Up

French and Webb is in the final couple weeks of the Jewell project. I look forward to getting up to Belfast to see her. Judge for yourself: how does she look from where you sit?

Jewell nearly ready to launch. That sheer has me feeling very happy.


The rigging is the latest project and I've been fielding some questions. Sorting out rigging takes time. My approach is to get her rigged so she is functional for sea trials. I don't spend a huge amount of time on eye splices, aesthetics, and making things perfect until sea trials are done. An example is the mizzen on Jewell. The boom is to be lashed to the sail at the clew. At the heel of the sprit is a rounded slot. A couple ways to rig this: 1) snotter line is made off to mast with a thumb cleat to locate it, then is led through slot, and aft to a cleat on the boom. 2) snotter line is made off first at slot on heel, then is led around aft side of mast (thumb cleat to locate line) and then down to a cleat on the mast. Until sea trials, I simply don't know which will work best for Jewell. So, instead of making fancy lines and splices and line whippings and the like, I'll use the same line left extra long, and use bowline knots, and hose clamps to hold cleats until I have finished sea trials. Then I'll know what works well and can finish off the rigging, paying more attention to my splicing knowing it won't change. It takes 3 seasons to dial in a new boat's rigging. So, to say things won't change is wishful thinking. I've learned a great deal from a few resources:

  • David Nichols Guide to traditional boat rigging
  • Iain Oughtred did a series of articles on sprit and lug rigs in WoodenBoat. Use the WoodenBoat Index to search for these.
  • John Leather Gaff Rig handbook

Rigging is part of the fun of designing, building, and using small boats on the coast of Maine! 

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Growing this Blog

Saturday, July 20, 2013

I've always liked black backgrounds to websites...the pictures really pop. But the lettering is not great. I'll be trying different looks.

Note the tabs along top. The boat pages from my website will be going up here.

As I make changes here and add pages, please give me feedback. Thanks!

Jewell is coming along nicely at French & Webb.
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Changes in Website

Thursday, July 4, 2013

This July 4th break from teaching has me working in the website. I will be porting over completely to my blog. In other words, when finished will lead the web surfer to this blog which will carry the same URL. I'll have pages on the blog to capture information about my kits. I look forward to the transition as it will allow me to focus on one website, which I hope will lead to more traffic.
My website may "go out" for a little while during my transition. I won't leave you high and dry like this boat in Great Bay, NH. This is not one of my kit boats!
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