Last weekend 28th Feb I started the final grinding of the outer hull along all the weld lines.
The sandblasting day is coming fast.
Theres a few things left to do structurally and Im trying to get them all done before the blasting starts.
Theres probably a few days grinding left..
The pics below are only taken today 4th march on my phone so the quality is bad.
I designed a 1200Litre Freshwater tank for the front under floor of the boat.
As I moved the engine back in design Im adding a bit of water to counter 0.8 degree.
Eurofab (Nose cone ppl) got this laser cut and its been down there for a couple of weeks waiting for time to weld it.
We got some of it tacked today and its lining up nicely.
I dont have TIG welding gear nor have I ever done it, so its pro welding here...

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The sandblasting day is coming fast.
Theres a few things left to do structurally and Im trying to get them all done before the blasting starts.
Theres probably a few days grinding left..
The pics below are only taken today 4th march on my phone so the quality is bad.
I designed a 1200Litre Freshwater tank for the front under floor of the boat.
As I moved the engine back in design Im adding a bit of water to counter 0.8 degree.
Eurofab (Nose cone ppl) got this laser cut and its been down there for a couple of weeks waiting for time to weld it.
We got some of it tacked today and its lining up nicely.
I dont have TIG welding gear nor have I ever done it, so its pro welding here...

Front end, waiting for the other bit of the floor to get tacked.
The tank will sit across Frames 9, 10, 11. and matckes the shape of the boat exactly.
more pics when we do more on it.
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