This was always our dream and her purpose. She was conceived and built with the sole intention of being our cruising home on the waters of Europe.
We have loved our time on the Gt. Ouse and at Ely especially and I very much consider Ely my second home with the friends and acquaintances we have made there. It would be easy to stay, too easy. With this in mind we have decided to continue to keep our mooring there even though we wont be there just in case!
How could we not?

This is just an easy 10 minute walk into Ely city centre. The Chathreal can be seen in the background.
This is a panoramic shot from the roof of the boat.

The other picture is from the railway bridge on the right of the picture.
The next few blogs will be about the preparations of Avalon to comply with EU waters and to equip Avalon with kit to better navigate bigger waterways On this point there is (for my non EU readers) supposed to be a level playing field for all EU members in that a UK boat should be accepted in say France or Belgium or in fact any EU member state. But NO! each EU state can make it difficult to do things in another EU state. So much for harmonisation! I guess full harmonisation would mean 1000s of paperpusher and jobsworth jobs would go and so add to the unemployment figures. Cynical Moi?
After this I will start a new blog with the help of Deb which will chronicle our journeys in Europe. We both hope you will join us and follow our ramblings. This will be more of a Travel Blog than a Technical Blog. But check back as there will be boaty stuff as well I feel sure ;-).
Thanks for following so far.
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