The 28th was cancelled due to extreme rain and wind, Today a small lake surrounded the boat.
We managed to raise the 4th side piece on the 27th, now to fit it.
The opposite side fitted better than this one. Looking at the initial offering up, it looked like it would never fit, too high in places and too low in others. Nothing lined up... (to other potential builders.. a word of advise... dont panic and relax, let the boat build its self. The kits are extremely accurate but on this side the boat its self wasnt the right shape to have this part fitted, its that simple. So on my own and with a lot of 5000kg span sets I went about lowering the centre of the boat by over 12mm.. as its only tack welded it will move.

Below: These parts were out of align by nearly 10 mm. I used 3 x 5ton straps to the RSJ frame and a 6 ton jack to rise the lower of the 2 bits.. and yes, the boat came into shape. its really mind over matter.

Bottom lined up, and later the top came into line,

All the straps pulling the floor of the boat to suit the side sheet. Remember the side sheet will not bend, but the boat will.

All the internal lines, markings for the frames lined up 100% inside. if you look closely, frame 10( ST10C-2) will have to come up 5-7 mm.. and once I have the next piece offered up it will..
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